The Program


Meaning, Purpose, & Process

The mission of The Road to Resilience is to enable an Expeditionary Readiness which allows us to step into the unknown with greater meaning, purpose, and performance. Our program offers a formalized process to navigate complex and dynamic environments by building Spiritual Resilience.

The Waypoint Process

The foundational, 3-step process we use to change our lives, empower our moments, and build communities of character


Tactical Pause

A moment of mindfulness that enables us to read our situation, assess our mindset, and separate action from reaction


Lift Our Lamp

An intentional choice to cultivate the values of duty, integrity, respect, and courage as we build, strengthen, and repair our teams and communities


Forward in Faith

The daily practice we use to step into unknowns together with the strength, power, and capacity of Spiritual Resilience

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Formalized Process

The Road to Resilience program offers a formalized process to navigate complex and dynamic environments by building Spiritual Resilience. This video take you through the three transformative steps of our process. Get on The Road today!

Expeditionary Challenge & Mantra

Our weekly challenge and mantra offer you specific tactics that enable you to build Spiritual Resilience. After your first workshop, we deliver this to you via email every week.

Community Through Character

How we link in community is through an expression of a shared value system built around being a person of character. We create weekly challenges that foster action and connection around the four breakout values of Character: Duty, Respect, Integrity, and Courage.


The journey into the Spiritual Frontier lasts a lifetime. Whatever your learning style or level of commitment, we will provide weekly readiness challenges and mantras for as long as you continue on The Road to Resilience.

  • The weekly Expeditionary Challenge offers you a specific tactic that enables you to build, strengthen, or create teamwork.

  • The weekly Expeditionary Mantra allows you to create a personalized obligation to your mindset.

  • We leverage the Core4 techniques developed by British Special Forces to enhance the power of your challenge and mantra. These techniques are: Goal Setting, Positive Self Talk, Visualization, Breathing

Get on the Road to Resilience Today.

Let's Go!